10 Foods My Kitchen Is Never Without

Today I’m sharing the 10 foods I just can’t be without. Some foods are so yummy, healthy and versatile I eat them almost every day. And that means ensuring they’re always on hand so a nutritious and delicious meal is never far away!

1. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes

Oh sweet potatoes, what would I do without you? As far as I’m concerned, sweet potatoes are perfection. They’re tasty, they offer a pop of sweetness (which is great for my sweet tooth) and they’re satisfying. I’ll often bake up a whole bunch, peel them and keep them in the fridge for an easy snack, breakfast or side dish.

2. Rolled oats

Rolled oats

For the amount of time I’ve eaten oatmeal for breakfast at least once, if not every day of the week, one would think I’d have gotten sick of it by now. But that is not the case. Toasted oatmeal, overnight oats, oat flour in baked goods — I use this stuff all the time. I have some version of oatmeal most mornings because it’s just so easy, inexpensive and satisfying.

3. Frozen vegetables

Frozen vegetables

I am not a happy girl without a regular dose of vegetables. So if I run out of fresh vegetables and don’t have time to go to the store I could be in a precarious position. That is why I always keep a few bags of vegetables in the freezer. Some, like Brussels sprouts or mixed cauliflower and broccoli florets, I buy from the store. Others are simply fresh vegetables that I bought like celery or bell peppers that are starting to get past their prime and I don’t know what to do with them at the moment so I chop and freeze them for a future recipe. The only vegetable I’ve ever encountered that doesn’t freeze and thaw well is potatoes — other than that, every vegetable I know is good to be frozen and then spiced, oiled and roasted in the oven when needed.

4. Ground flaxseeds

Ground flax seeds

Whether sprinkled on oatmeal, tossed into a smoothie or mixed with water for a convenient flax egg — there’s always a way to work flax into my day. But flaxseed is best absorbed by our bodies when it’s ground and grinding it all the time isn’t always convenient. That’s why when I buy whole flaxseeds I grind some of them up in my spice grinder and keep the ground stuff in an air-tight jar in my fridge so it’s ready to go whenever I need it.

5. Frozen bananas

Frozen bananas

I have a love affair with all fruit and I’ll often rotate which fruit I have on hand based on what is in season or what I’m craving. But the one staple that stays no matter what is frozen bananas. I buy a big batch (often on sale when they’re almost over-ripe), peel them, chop them into rounds and freeze them in a big resealable bag. Sometimes when I need something sweet I’ll eat them just like this and they’re surprisingly good. Or I’ll thaw them, mash them up and use them in baked goods. Or if I want a special treat I’ll blend them up with some fun flavours into a banana “ice cream”.

6. Tea of every kind

All the tea!

Tea is just delightful. Although I tend to drink coffee in the morning, I’m a tea girl for the rest of the day. Black teas, green teas, herbal teas — I have them all. And the best thing about tea is there’s one to suit any mood — you can have a sweet and spicy chai to perk you up or a soothing peppermint to calm you down. I love them all!

7. Walnuts


Truth be told I have pretty much every kind of nut on hand almost all of the time. I use raw cashews, almonds, pecans and hazelnuts on a pretty regular basis. But the one I really cannot be without is walnuts. I chop them up in my oatmeal or eat them as a snack when I get back from work almost every day. They’re so useful, nutrient-rich and yummy!

8. Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds

Given my verging-on-excessive love of fruits and vegetables, paired with the fact I don’t like to eat a lot of meat and too many beans or nuts can sometimes bother my tummy, I need to be careful I don’t miss out on getting enough fat and protein come meal time. Enter, hemp seeds. I can roast up some veggies in coconut oil or toss a big salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and then sprinkle in these little guys that are loaded with 10 grams of protein and 13 grams of fat in just 3 tablespoons, and I’m good to go!

9. Non-dairy milk

Non-dairy milk

Honestly, I’ve never really liked dairy milk. So when I realized dairy didn’t seem to be agreeing with my tummy a few months ago I cut it out to see how I would feel.  Cheese has been very missed but I definitely do not miss dairy milk. I am very happy with all the wonderful non-dairy milks available to me. Almond milk, hemp milk, cashew milk and coconut milk all get rotated through my fridge regularly and I love them all. I make them homemade when I can but I also have some handy in the fridge as well as the canned and/or boxed versions in my cupboard just to be on the safe side.

10. Frozen leftovers

Frozen leftovers

Are you sensing a bit of a frozen theme here? Let it go… let it go… You are correct, I am very much in love with my freezer. If I go a day without a solid meal that involves vegetables and a source of protein and fat I just feel off. So if I get home after a long day where I’ve mostly been snacking and don’t have the necessities in my fridge or the energy to make a good dinner, I will not be a happy camper. That’s why whenever I make a big batch meal for myself I freeze a serving or two. So in a pinch it’s just a matter of reheating and eating!

What are the foods you can’t be without? Let me know in the comments below!

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