Diet culture’s message is particularly loud at this time of year. We’re encouraged to cut back on and cut out certain foods in order to lose weight and achieve our “dream body” in the new year. When we get restrictive though, the opposite actually happens.
We feel hungry and deprived, and after some time — whether it be days, weeks or months — our body can’t take it anymore and we find ourselves devouring all those foods we’ve come to see as “bad” for us.
Instead of repeating this cycle yet again, let’s try something different this year. Let’s try honouring our bodies, making peace with food, and instead of another diet we’ll be unable to stick to a couple of weeks into 2018, let’s find a balance that will work for us for a lifetime.
The first step towards that balance is to begin honouring our hunger. That means not forcing ourselves to eat low-calorie, unsatisfying meals in an effort to lose weight or cutting out whole food groups our bodies actually really need.
You can learn what it means to honour your hunger in my latest video on the second principle of Intuitive Eating featuring Curious Katie.
Instead of making 2018 another year where you try yet again to get your “best body”, why not make it the year you work towards achieving your happiest life? One that is free of restrictions, dieting, body-hate and feeling crazy around food. Make 2018 the year you finally make peace with food and your body.
I’m hard at work creating new content and videos that can help you make peace with food and your body this year. Have a question about Intuitive Eating, giving up dieting, gentle nutrition or body acceptance you’d like answered in an upcoming video? Post below or shoot me an email.