Have you ever dealt with an injury? I feel like most of us have at some point. Whether it be an ankle, a wrist, a tear, a sprain… our bodies are incredible, but boy are they ever susceptible to damage!
When I was cycling across Europe in 2019 I took a bad fall off my bike. There was no real reason for it. It had rained, it was slippery, and I simply lost my balance. I cut up my leg and bruised my ribs, but it was my wrists that took most of the impact.
In the hours and days that followed I truly wasn’t sure if my trip would come to an abrupt end. Two years of dreaming and planning, and it seemed I might be too injured to continue on. But I took a week to rest and, to my relief, it seemed that nothing was broken. So, when I felt I was able, I continued on, thinking all would soon be well.
Unfortunately, our bodies can work wonders trying to heal us — but sometimes they don’t get it quite right. I’ve been dealing with pain in my wrists, my left wrist in particular, since the fall. After many tests and doctors visits, we started to get to the root of the problem, and surgery became necessary.
Learn how I’ve been recovering in my most recent video:
Can you relate to struggling with an injury? I’d welcome hearing your experience. Please share any recovery tips or experiences in the comments below!
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I totally understand your anxiety and fears due to your injury and how it might affect your future cycling. In 2018 I did a wee slip on ice and felt something in my calf… to find out I had torn the muscle. It meant I had to cancel a cycle tour to Portugal that spring and to Czechia that fall. Though in great shape it took about a year of physio to recover to the point of being able to tour again. Here’s hoping your recovery goes well and you’re rolling in no time at all!!
Thanks so much for sharing your experience Brent! I appreciate the kind words and am happy to hear you were able to recover and tour again! Thank you!!