If I were to describe one spot in my travels so far as magical it would, without a doubt, be the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Turquoise pools, waterfalls everywhere, rocks and mountains in the craziest shapes. I have never seen anything like it.
If you have any sort of travel bucket list… Get. Skye. On. It. The video above includes my inside scoop on how to experience Skye and my favourite spots on the island. But I’ll also include some of the highlights here too in case you’re feeling a read today!
Skye is the largest of Scotland’s western isles and is easily accessed by bridge or ferry. It is filled with so many kind and knowledgeable people so you’re sure to have a warm welcome and source of information and excellent anecdotes.
There are many places to hike/bike and sights to see on this magical island. But, from everything I experienced while I was on the Isle of Skye, if I had to choose just 6 spots I would not want to miss, these would be the ones.

1. The Quirang
The Quirang is a collection of cliffs and rock formations in the northern part of Skye. Some of the peaks are in such crazy shapes you’ll think you’re in a Dr Seuss book.

2. The Faerie Glen
There are no words to describe the faerie glen. Prepare to have your jaw hit the floor if you go here. Rippled hills, weird rock formations, misshapen trees — this is a magical place like no other.

3. The Faerie Pools
If I were a child seeing these pools I would 100% believe fairies bathed there. Heck, I practically believe it as an adult, the fairy pools are THAT cool. It is just clear turquoise pool after clear turquoise pool, with rushing waterfalls in between. My guide explained they are that vibrant colour because the water runs off the Cuillin mountain range through clean limestone and so remains totally clear. But fairies are also a very possible theory.

4. The Cuillins
The Cuillins, distinguished as the Red Cuillins and Black Cuillins, are a mountain range closer to the southern part of the island. Take a peek at Walk Highlands and find yourself a hike through these gorgeous mountains. Or if you got exhausted just reading that, simply have a look at their splendour from afar on a clear day.

5. Kilt Rock
Kilt Rock is a stunning waterfall dropping off the side of the north-east corner of Skye into open water below. Paired with the jaw-dropping cliffs on either side, this is quite the sight to see. But don’t forget to use your ears too! The wind hitting the rocks below makes this eerie, mystical sound. An experience for all the senses, this one is!

6. Neist Point
Perched on a jagged rock formation with massive cliffs all around it, this light house built in the early 1900s looks like something out of a scary movie. But don’t be afraid! It’s a great place to walk around and see some gorgeous views of the water, surrounding cliffs and history of the island.

The Magic of Skye
One important note to bear in mind if you’ll be visiting Skye, is a big part of the wonder of it is how natural it is. There are no paths or fences or gift shops. It is just natural wonders free for you to explore. Let’s all work together to keep it that way. While you’re there, be smart, be safe, and be sure to respect the land, so we can maintain this magical place for years and years to come!
Planning a trip to Skye and have any lingering questions? Don’t be shy. Leave me a comment below!