Have you ever been out on a bike tour and just wanted to quit? Maybe you get one too many rainy days in a row, or maybe the hills are kicking you in the pants, or maybe you’re travelling on your own and beginning to feel lonely. There are all kinds of reasons a cycle tour can be hard.
I’ve definitely had my share of grumpy moments and even wanted to throw in the towel. But over my time bike touring I’ve developed several strategies that really help me reduce the risk of getting into a funk on the road.
It doesn’t mean I don’t still have moments where I feel overwhelmed or stressed or anxious — after all, these emotions are part of the human experience. But these techniques I’ve developed help pull me out of a grumpy frame of mind more quickly, and reduce the risk of getting into one altogether, so I can truly enjoy and be present in my bike touring experience.
Because each cycle tour truly is a blessing, and being able to really appreciate and revel in that adventure is what it’s all about.
Check out my 6 tips to stay positive on a bike tour.
I would love to hear your experiences! Have you ever wanted to quit on a cycle tour? How do you stay positive, whether it be on a bike tour or in your day-to-day life? Let me know in the comments below!
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