Why Diets Don’t Work (VIDEO)


With the prevalence of dieting advertisements and the sheer number of diets out there, one would easily assume achieving weight loss must be attainable. But the evidence shows that is not at all the case.

In fact, studies show diets are more likely to lead to binge eating, disordered eating and weight gain than they are to provide us with lasting weight loss. This is along with a slowed metabolism, increased cravings for processed foods, greater risk of depression and lowered self-esteem.

When you boil it all down diets don’t work, and ultimately, cause more harm than good.

But given how ingrained weight loss and dieting is in our culture, this can be a lot of info to take in and a tricky mindset shift to make. Particularly at this time of year when diets and weight loss are being pushed on us from every angle. For many of us, a new diet or plan to be extra “good” with our nutrition and fitness has come to feel like the natural way to start the year. But diets are not the answer. And it’s time we moved away from them and towards a future where we’re at peace with food and our bodies.

If you want to read more about the studies mentioned in this video, check out the following references or leave a question in the comments below!


Prevalence and correlates of chronic dieting in a multi-ethnic U.S. community sample

Long-term weight loss maintenance

The National Weight Control Registry

Diminished energy requirements in reduced-obese patients

Changes in energy expenditure resulting from altered body weight

Caloric deprivation increases responsivity of attention and reward brain regions to intake, anticipated intake, and images of palatable foods

Anticipatory and reactive responses to chocolate restriction in frequent chocolate consumers

Obesity, disordered eating, and eating disorders in a longitudinal study of adolescents: how do dieters fare 5 years later?

Contributions of mindful eating, intuitive eating, and restraint to BMI, disordered eating, and meal consumption in college students

Intuitive eating in young adults: Who is doing it, and how is it related to disordered eating behaviors?

Exercise and diet, independent of weight loss, improve cardiometabolic risk profile in overweight and obese individuals

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